six ways to inspire momentum in your small town

I get asked all the time, what does it take to start reviving a small town? I’ve put a lot of thought into that. And I can honestly say there are two key ingredients I see over and over in rural communities that are thriving: vision and momentum. Yep, that seems to be the secret sauce. These towns have a common vision that the community rallies around, and with everyone working together, that in turn creates momentum.

So, what are some ways to create momentum? I’ve put together a list of six things that will help you build momentum, cast vision, and get people excited.



By the way, this is just a small taste of the many things you’ll get as a member of Cultivate by Rural Revival — our membership group focused on growing your business and reviving your town — including how to put every one of these ideas into action and even get much-needed funding to support it.