Episode 7 // Linc Kroeger of Pillar Technology

This week on the podcast we're bringing you a fascinating conversation with Linc Kroeger of Pillar Technology and The Forge in Des Moines, Iowa about what their company is doing to bring tech jobs to rural America. 

Pillar Technology is pioneering an initiative that is forging the future and changing how we approach jobs and education in rural America. This model is setting the stage for not only the tech industry but other industries as well, as they look for options to expand and grow in rural areas. Learn more about this latest project from Pillar Technology here:

This project is a game changer for rural America and has caught the eye of some of Iowa's leading rural advocates like Governor Kim Reynolds, Senator Chuck Grassley, and Congressman David Young. We had the privilege of hearing these leaders speak at The Forge in Des Moines last week to celebrate the company's expansion to Jefferson, Iowa (pop. 4,169). These leaders' heartfelt commitment to rural Iowa, and ultimately rural America, touched every person in the room and couldn't make us more excited about the future for our rural communities and small towns.

Join us as we talk with Linc and his passion towards this project, as well as other great topics like brain drain, changing the mindset around rural living, and the importance of investing in our rural communities. Linc also shares about the community aspect of rural living that makes it so desirable, and why that's so attractive to his company and employees. 

You're going to learn a lot on this week's podcast! And you will leave excited about the future of our rural communities. Listen right here and make sure you’re subscribed to the feed in iTunes to never miss an episode.

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Episode 6 // Karmen Smith of Fort Payne Feed & Garden