Episode 87 // Farmer Hannah Borg

This week on the podcast we’re in Wakefield, Nebraska (pop. 1,451) with Hannah Borg. Hannah is a sixth generation farmer who decided to come home to the family farm after college to make her own path — raising poultry. As someone who didn’t know anything about chickens until the day 60,000 arrived at her barn, Hannah is sharing her story and teaching us all a thing or two she’s learned along the way!

You’ll love how Hannah has worked hard to learn a completely new industry and how much she loves rural life, as well as her commitment to her town and how she’s getting involved there. Be sure to check out the show notes and give Hannah a follow.

If I wanted to come back to the farm, I was gonna raise chickens, and that’s what I did. Because it was a way to expand and diversify our operation through poultry.

— Hannah Borg

Listen right here or on these platforms:


Episode 88 // Liz Feldkamp of Liz's Bridal & Formal Wear


Episode 86 // Matt Floyd of Matt's Bat and Floyd Farmstead